Spiritual awakening and Enlightenment are often used interchangeably in spiritual communities, however there are some differences between these two. Many believe spiritual awakening is the ultimate destination, a final state of spiritual attainment. But what if awakening is merely the beginning of an even deeper journey? Spiritual Awakening can be considered like an initial spiritual initiation, an opening of doorway towards Enlightenment which is the final destination,This perspective challenges traditional beliefs and invites us to reconsider the relationship between spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Understanding this distinction can shape how we navigate our personal spiritual paths.
What Is Spiritual Awakening?
Spiritual awakening is a process of awakening of your real self, spiritual being or becoming one with higher self, this is usually regarded as first step towards the spiritual path where we tend to question conditioned beliefs, values, and perceptions and we come to realize about our societal programming
I have written a blogpost on What is Spiritual awakening
Key Features of Awakening:
1. Increased Awareness: Developing awareness of higher truth
2. Inner curiosity: We develop a desire for deeper questing about the nature of reality.
3.Emotional breakdown: Awakenings invoke unresolved feelings, trauma’s wounds blockages within our body that can manifest physical, mental and emotional symptoms
4. Different Perspective: We begin looking with a new vision with altered perception through our expanded state of awareness
What Is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment, however, is the culmination of the spiritual path. It is ever-presence of peace, awareness, and oneness with cosmos. Enlightenment enables one to live in the now moment free from attachment or resistance.
Key Features of Enlightenment:
1. Self-Realization: Complete awareness and integration of your real self as your higher self
2. Inner Peace: Liberation from the ego based mind chatter, fears
3. Unity Consciousness: An intense feeling of oneness with all living things
4. Being in the Now: A state of ongoing presence, unattached to either the past or the future.
Unlike awakening, enlightenment is not a process but a state. It is the understanding of the ultimate reality and the freedom from illusion.
Awakening vs. Enlightenment: Major Differences
Let us discuss the major differences between awakening and enlightenment
1. Nature of the Experience
•Awakening: Awakening is a transformation and discovery process, usually accompanied by confusion and physical mental and emotional symptoms
•Enlightenment: Enlightenment is not a path but a state. It is the total melting of the ego and the emergence of pure awareness, usually called the “end of the seeker.”
2. Role of the Ego
• Awakening: While in awakening, ego is confronted but not totally shattered. Ego is still active and created resistance for further growth
• Enlightenment: Enlightenment goes beyond the ego. the ego has no ability to influence your patterns of thought, feelings, or actions anymore.
3. Emotional and Mental State
• Awakening: Awakening is usually emotionally and mental draining as deep-seated wounds, fears, and insecurities tend to manifest themselves for healing purposes
• Enlightenment: Enlightenment is accompanied by inner calm, equanimity, and freedom from suffering. The mind is transformed from being directed from lower self(ego based) to higher self( soul based)
5. Timeline
• Awakening: Awakening takes place slowly, over a period of months or years. Some individuals undergo several “mini-awakenings” as they develop higher insights
• Enlightenment: Enlightenment has been said to be realized in a moment of instant awareness, even if the process of getting to that point took years or lifetimes.
1. Awakening Equals Enlightenment
Most people think that when they attain awakening, they are enlightened. Awakening is merely the starting point.
2. Enlightenment Is the End
Although enlightenment is the pinnacle of spiritual understanding, it’s not the “end” in the classical sense. Enlightened beings still live, learn, and interact with the world, but from a place of expanded awareness.
3. Awakening and Enlightenment Are Permanent
Awakening may happen in waves; you might experience times of illumination interspersed with a resurgence of old tendencies. Enlightenment is typically explained as an abiding condition, but meanings differ throughout spiritual paths.
I have written a blog post on Stages of spiritual awakening
The Journey from Awakening to Enlightenment
1. Meditation: Recurring meditation serves to still the mind
2. Self-Inquiry: Challenge the convictions and identities bound to your ego, employing strategies such as “Who am I?” meditation.
3. Shadow Work: Resolve unaddressed emotions and traumas to release energy blocks that prevent spiritual growth.
4. Mindfulness: Develop presence in daily life, with attention to the here and now.
5. Surrender: Release the desire to control the process and trust the evolution of your journey.
Though awakening and enlightenment are two different experiences, they are both integral parts of spiritual evolution. Awakening is the trigger, sparking your quest for truth and self-awareness. Enlightenment is the destination—a place of pure awareness and oneness.
If you are just embarking on the awakening or journeying toward enlightenment, know that every step is beautiful and needed. Welcome to the process, have faith, and understand that both awakening and enlightenment are moving toward realizing infinite potential within.
Hi Karuna, will an enlightened person remain enlightened for the lifetime or he/ she needs to continuously question everything everytime.
Enlightenment means knowing all answers getting cosmic wisdom right from where we start this journey.
I believe all are enlightened beings..just that we have layers blocking the awareness that we are enlightened.
The people who work towards removing those blocks traumas wounds start living from that state of awareness which is called enlightenment.