The Root Chakra: A Base for Security and Stability


Also referred to as Muladhara in Sanskrit, the root chakra is the first out of the seven chakras in the human body. The seven chakras include Root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. Root chakra is situated at the very base of the spine and is connected to our sense of security, safety, as well as grounding. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel safe secure and have a sense of connection to this world. However, when the chakra is blocked or off-balanced, we may experience emotions such as fear, unhappiness, or lack of life direction. In today’s post, we will understand everything about the root chakra and how to maintain its good health.
To begin, let’s answer the question, what is the root chakra?

root chakra

What is  Root Chakra?

This chakra acts as our foundation of the energy system. The Root chakra controls our basic necessities for survival such as food, shelter, financial stability, and balance and emotional stability. Picture it as the root of a tree. When the roots are strong like a sturdy tree, it stands tall and continues to thrive, but when the roots are weak, the tree becomes unstable and can no longer sustain growth. Root chakra is our connection to mother earth.

Root chakra

Indications of a Balanced Root Chakra

A well-balanced root chakra means harmony within you the surroundings and with mother earth
• A strong sense of security and safety
• Confidence in yourself and your decisions
• A connection to your body and the present moment
• Healthy relationships with money and material possessions
• Physical well-being and vitality

With a balanced root chakra, you are able to feel stable and strong throughout life and are able to face challenges with resilience and strength

Signs of a Root Chakra Imbalance

A blocked or overactive root chakra can manifest in the following ways:

• Constant worry
• Insecurity and feelings of not belonging
• Financial instability
• Indecision or inability to make choices
• Feeling disconnected from body

Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra

• Attachment to materialistic possessions
• Aggressive and controlling behaviors
• Fear of new experiences and resistance to change

Being able to recognize these signs can help alleviate issues pertaining to root chakra imbalances.

Triggers of a Root Chakra Imbalance

Imbalance may occur in this chakra due to:
• Childhood trauma and trauma related to moving – Living in an unsafe environment can generate fear and deep insecurity as a result of trauma.
• Financial issues – Having a poor relationship with money can influence the energy of this chakra.
• Shifting life experiences – Changes in location, getting laid off work or difficulties within a romantic relationship can make you feel unsafe unprotected and block your root chakra
• Ignoring overall well being – Not caring about what you eat, limited movement and little regard for the outdoors can block the root chakra.

Ways to heal and balance your Root Chakra

The root chakra is the energy center in your body that connects you to Mother earth body, and , there are countless ways to heal and strengthen it. Following are some of the  effective techniques:

1. Grounding Activities

• Being grounded allows you to connect with the Earth’s energies allowing for root chakra stabilization.
• Walk barefoot on earth.
• Take a break outdoors.
• Tend to flowers or plants.

2. Body Movement

Given the physical link of the root chakra to the body, it is self-evident that its balance would benefit from any form of physical activity.
• Yoga (particularly Mountain Pose, Warrior Pose, and Tree Pose)
• Dance or run
• Weightlifting or calisthenics

3. Root Chakra Healing Meditation

Blocked root chakras can  be healed through meditation
Relax into a position seated upright with your back straight and feet resting on the floor.
Breathe deeply and see a red ray of light glowing at the bottom of your spine.
With each exhale, allow this light light in your root chakra by intentions
Say words of affirmation like, “I am grounded,” “I am safe,” and “I am secure.”

Root chakra mantra is “LAM”. Chanting this mantra can help open heal and balance root chakra

4.Nutrition for the Root Chakra

Eating grounding foods can support this chakra, such as:
• Root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and beets
• Protein-rich foods like beans, lentils, and nuts
• Red-colored foods like strawberries, tomatoes, and pomegranates

5. Use of Crystals and Essential Oils

Certain crystals and essential oils can help balance the root chakra.
• Crystals: Red Jasper, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, and Smoky Quartz.
• Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Patchouli, Vetiver, and Sandalwood.
Simply carrying these crystals or diffusing essential oils in your space can have a calming and grounding effect.

6. Address Emotional Blocks

Healing the root chakra isn’t just about physical practices—it’s also about emotional healing. If past trauma or fear is causing imbalance, consider:
• Journaling to explore and release fears
• Talking to a trusted friend, therapist, or spiritual guide
• Practicing self-love and self-care rituals


The root chakra is your energetic foundation, influencing your sense of security, stability, and connection to the world. When balanced, you feel safe, confident, and in control of your life. If you ever feel anxious, insecure, or disconnected, take time to nourish your root chakra with grounding exercises, meditation, physical movement, and self-care practices.
By strengthening your root chakra, you create a solid foundation for personal growth, allowing you to move through life with greater ease and resilience. Take care of your energy, and your energy will take care of you.

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